New Javascripts
Drop Down Messages
Show messages based on selected item from drop down menu.
12712 : 1089
Editable Select Box
With the Editable Selectbox control, you can add, edit, delete, and even sort the options in a selectbox. Upon submission, it not only sends the selected item, but also all the other items in the order they appear, encoded in a hidden field.
12606 : 37
Millennium Countdown Clock for 3001
Countdown till 4th millenium (year 3001).
14921 : 193
Animated Site Header
Animate your header into view with this cool script. Works in both IE4+ and NS6!
323805 : 2496
Title Changer
Title Changer is a script which takes and array and places it in the title. To clear the array it 'sweeps' it away and then sweeps it back through. It is fairly customizable and easy to use.
8787 : 19
FlexiGrid 2
FlexiGrid 2 is a sort of folding grid, where you can display your tabular data in a hierarchial manner. As far as the internal functionality is concerned, FlexiGrid follows the concept of 'Content Indexing in a document'. i.e. The node IDs are generated in a way similar to the Content Indexing of a typical well organized document.
46786 : 1828
Detect Resolution
Find out the resolution of your visitors browsers!
73139 : 612
Any Click Alert
Creates an alert message when any button is clicked. Works for left or right mouse clicks.
10316 : 31
Status Bar Clock Script
This script displays the current time/date in the status bar.
64046 : 583
Sort Contents of Table
A javascript to sort the contents of a table.
29031 : 19649